Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome November

I don't think that I have ever seen such beautiful colors in the trees before. NM has the yellows and golds, but VA has the oranges and reds. I haven't ever really been a "take pictures of leaves" type of girl but I couldn't help myself today.
I took both of these in the parking lot where Ashley cheered today. We actually parked under this red one. I just wanted to dig it up and plant it in my family room.
So how did we spend the 1st of November? Well I had a haircut this morning and then Austin had his first tournament game at 11; they won 8 to3!! And then Ashley cheered at a football tournament game this afternoon and her team won 6 to nothing. So I think that we will have a few more games to go to till our seasons are over.
Ash at half time.
Katie made friends with the little girl whose mother was running the face painting booth and she ended up with butterflies on her cheeks.
Austin looking like a football player here.
Love to all and don't forget to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to bed, yippee!!

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