Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Chisholm ES End of Year Assemblies (May 18th)

 Katie and Austin each had an end of year award assembly at their school.  
Katie standing in line to tell her favorite part of 1st grade, "Testing, because we got snacks everyday." and get her awards.  She was on the Principals Honor Roll, and got an award for reading more than 25 books this year!
 Katie and her teacher, and then waiting in line to go back to their seats.

 A better pic of Katie and her teacher Ms. B.
 After the 1st grade assembly there were cookies and lemonade in the classroom.
 This is Katie with Ms. JJ, she was the aid in the class this year and Katie really just loved her!
 Austin got to be a helper for the 3rd grade assembly and hand out programs.

 Austin waiting his turn in line.
 This is Austin's token grin lately.  I am not sure where it came from but it totally drives me crazy most of the time :)  He received awards for  reading 25 or more books this year and then also made the Principals Honor Roll!
Austin and Ms. S.

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