Sunday, May 31, 2009

What's a Bumbo???

So we were walking around Kid to Kid last night and Lewis came across this cute, purple, soft plastic, seat. Natalie has really been liking sitting on the table in front of you and practicing holding her head up. So... we set it up on the floor and set her in it to see if she even would like it and she looked up at us and grinned. Now I am not sure if I would pay full price for it but for $12 it was well worth it.
As of Thursday, our little miss is 8 weeks and a total joy. Here are a few pics of her in her new purple Bumbo.


Kristen Taylor said...

Aren't those great! Ryan loved his. They even have ones that have little trays that attach... for toys or food when they are a bit older. Kinda cool.

Robyn said...

We love ours too! Aren't second hand kid stores great? :)